Is It More Than Moodiness? How to Tell If Your Teen Is Depressed
You've been waiting for these years to come. Your friends and family members warned you about this. You knew how you raised your kids, and you thought that they'd be different.
Digital Age Anxiety—How Technology Affects Our Mental Well-Being
Have you noticed your anxiety levels dropping when you have the chance to step away from technology for a few days? Maybe you feel especially calm when you are hiking or camping.
How Do Sleep Patterns Influence Depression?
When it comes to depression and sleep, the relationship tends to mimic a chicken-and-egg situation. It can be difficult to tell which one came first and which one followed.
4 Signs of Unhealed Attachment Trauma
The earliest trick we learn in life is how to ask for help, and that’s through tears. Infants don’t only cry when they’re hungry. Sometimes, they want warmth, closeness, social attention, safety reassurance, and other emotional reassurance.